Rupiper Lab

Recent Events

September 2024
Environmental Research Letters Publication: AMI water meters deliver end-use water and financial savings in leaky households: experimental evidence from California.
June 2024
Six UCR students present their innovative air filter design at the TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo in Washington, DC. 
May 2024
Two Environmental Engineering Senior Design Teams Win the California Water Environment Association Student Design Competition - they will go on to compete at the international competition in New Orleans in October. 
December 2023
Journal of Cleaner Production Publication: Mitigating Renewables Curtailment and Carbon Emissions in CA through Water Sector Demand Flexibility
October 2023
Senior design team, Wastewater Women, attends national WEFTEC competition in Chicago.
September 2023
Omar Orozco presents his summer research at the Summer Bridge to Research symposium.
August 2023
Alexis Flores and Jiali Li present their summer research at the LatinX and the Environment and MSRIP poster symposium. 
June 2023
Senior design teams in chemical and environmental engineering show off their final projects at the CEE senior design symposium.
April 2022  
Smart Water Magazine Interview Published: Utility Specific Water Loss Standards
February 2022
Environmental Research Letters Publication: Untapped potential: leak reduction is the most cost-effective urban water management tool

August 2021
Evaluating Water Loss Performance Standards Webinar - Center for Water-Energy Efficiency 


Welcome to the Rupiper Lab at the University of California Riverside! We are a group within the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering with a focus on sustainability and water use efficiency.

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Interests in water-energy efficiency, water loss, sustainability, water reuse, and alternative water systems.
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