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TechConnect World Innovation Conference - Student Design Expo 2024

Senior design team shows off their innovative biochar filter designed to capture ammonia emissions from livestock facilities.
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AWWA Sustainable Water Management Conference - Water Sector Demand Flexibility

Amanda Rupiper presented at the AWWA Sustainable Water Management Conference in Minneapolis, MN in April, 2023 on her work in estimating the demand flexibility of the California water sector to reduce curtailment of renewable resources.
Summer Bridge to Research Symposium Presentions

2023 Summer Bridge to Research

Omar Orozco presented on a closed loop 3-phase ammonia air scrubber research for the end of summer Bridge to Research Symposium
| Research
Two UCR students in the Rupiper Lab participated in 8-week funded undergraduate research programs this summer culminating in poster and oral presentations.

2023 Summer Research – MSRIP and LatinX and the Environment

Two UCR students in the Rupiper Lab participated in 8-week funded undergraduate research programs this summer culminating in poster and oral presentations.
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Three-Phase Ammonia Air Scrubber

EPA P3 Grant: Three-Phase Ammonia Air Scrubber Recycles Water

Students have been busy in the lab testing out different configurations, settings, and biochars to optimize the performance of a closed water loop three-phase ammonia air scrubber system. Preliminary results indicate that this system could economically replace conventional ammonia scrubbing systems with a significantly reduced environmental footprint. Link to EPA project details:
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