Description of Course
Students have two quarters (20 weeks) to propose and design an environmental project that addresses a real-world problem or need. Students will work in teams of 4-5 students to complete their project which will culminate in a final design, written report, oral presentation, and poster.
Mentorship Guidelines
Students are beginning the transition from acquiring classroom knowledge and skills to applying them to real-world applications in preparation for their careers beyond UCR. Industry mentors play a significant role in furthering the connection beyond the classroom.
Potential Mentorship Activities:
- Respond to student emails/questions about their senior design project.
- Attend (virtually or in-person) team meetings to provide advice, information, or feedback.
- Attend a formal presentation (mid-point, final, or poster symposium).
- Provide career advice and guidance.
Major Course Dates: 2024
Mentors are invited to join us for any of our activities, but the following dates are primary dates of interest that may be good opportunities to attend and provide feedback (attendance is encouraged, but not required).
Date | Activity |
January 16th 6:30pm WCH 139 | Project Kick-off Meetings – meet teams |
March 14th 6:30pm WCH 139 | Mid-Point Presentations |
June 4th or 6th (time/location TBD) | Final Presentations |
Week of June 10th (time/location TBD) | Poster Symposium |
If you have any questions about the course or serving as a mentor for a senior design team, please contact:
Amanda Rupiper, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
University of California, Riverside
951-827-3152 (office)